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Exporting events to your home page

Let GigPlaner maintain your event diary

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Save yourself the onerous task of maintaining different data bases.

Many companies, and particularly bands and clubs, maintain a diary of their events on their home page. This involves recording and saving every event multiple times. CrewBrain has a special export function for this purpose which shares events directly onto your home page. Retrieval of events for this is carried out automatically through the home page concerned in either html or xml format, according to your preference.

Exporting events

 Simple integration of your events

CrewBrain events can be integrated into your home page in html format (e.g. as an iFrame file or over a link). Anyone who is more deeply involved in designing web pages has the option of calling up events in xml format and integrating these into their home page as desired. This allows events to be optimally integrated into the home page layout.

 Are you having problems integrating events into your home page?

Our Support team will be happy to answer your questions and assist you in choosing and configuring the best option.

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Billmann Event GmbH

After a test phase in the fall of 2022, we have been using CrewBrain as our central project and scheduling tool since December. Above all, the simple handling for creating projects lasting several days... mehr

Markus Urbon, Operations Manager
RheinlandAkustik VT GmbH

We have been using CrewBrain 2021 for all our staff and vehicle planning and are super satisfied with the software. We can't imagine our everyday work without CrewBrain. It offers numerous options that... mehr

Philipp Suckrau, Managing Director

The right package for every purpose.

S, M, L, XL and various extensions.

 Tariffs and prices
2.66 M+successfully plannedevents
34,200+Usersfrom 6 different industries
5.64 M+Status notificationssent 2024


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