Travel expense recording for Bands

The benefits of travel expense recording for Bands:

 More Features

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Easy handling

After a test phase in the fall of 2022, we have been using CrewBrain as our central project and scheduling tool since December. Above all, the simple handling for creating projects lasting several days and the personnel and vehicle scheduling integrated into it have simplified our daily routine. Personnel scheduling conflicts are a thing of the past. The integration of freelancers and service providers also simplifies our daily work routine. In addition, we use the time recording for our employees and the resulting evaluation of the individual projects for controlling. All in all, a really good and work-saving software in connection with a very good support, which also fulfills special requests.

Billmann Event GmbHMarkus Urbon, Operations Manager
Billmann Event GmbH

 Simple recording of travel expenses for Bands

Record your travel expenses directly from the road and assign them directly to your jobs and projects. 

Overview of travel expenses

Record your itinerary for Bands

With CrewBrain you can record all relevant information about your travel expenses. This includes basic information such as the purpose of the trip and a detailed itinerary for Bands. This way you always have an overview of all stops on a trip.


 Ride costs for Bands

The recording of ride costs for Bands is a breeze with CrewBrain. If desired, the driven kilometres can be recorded directly during the recording of working hours based on the respective mileage of the vehicle used - company owned or private vehicles are possible. An individual kilometre flat rate can be stored for each vehicle, for private vehicles the respective legal requirements apply.

Ride costs

 Receipts for Bands

Receipts and invoices can be captured for travel expenses and stored digitally as a photo or scan. This means that all necessary proofs are stored centrally. And the best thing is: the receipts can also be stored on the road via WebApp. Create a photo of the receipt - upload - done.


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