Crew Management for Security Services

The benefits of crew management for Security Services:

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BigRig Berlin GmbH

Llevábamos mucho tiempo buscando un software de planificación que facilitara de forma integral y significativa nuestro trabajo diario. En el verano de 2016, CrewBrain llamó nuestra atención. Tras una... mehr

Malte Jäger, Director General
BENZ & CO. Gastronomie GmbH

En aquel momento, buscábamos una solución para planificar y llegar de forma eficaz tanto al personal interno como al externo. CrewBrain destacó por la facilidad de conexión con los proveedores de servicios... mehr

Jochen Stubner, Jefe de Controlling/Compras

Features for crew management for Security Services

Cutting-edge, clear and always available.

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CrewBrain Availability view

Crew Management for Security Services

CrewBrain’s clear display makes crew management for Security Services fast, easy, and efficient. CrewBrain offers a quick overview of upcoming events for your company. Members and employees can be added to jobs quickly, and they are automatically informed by email. They then have the option to confirm or reject the event.

CrewBrain Availability view

More on personnel planning

Clear personnel management for Security Services

A well designed personnel management system is the basis for fast, efficient crew management for Security Services. CrewBrain can be used to create an individual profile for each employee, with which the respective employee can also log directly into CrewBrain. Not only can you manage your staff with CrewBrain, you can also communicate directly over a central platform.

More on personnel management

Time recording with flexitime for Security Services

A flexitime account can be set up in CrewBrain for permanent staff. Hours worked can then be conveniently recorded using the time clock in the Smartphone App or subsequently, by manually recording the hours worked for the respective event. Holiday days and, if required, prescribed breaks are automatically deducted.

CrewBrain Flexitime overview

More on time recording

2,66 mill+de eventosplanificados con éxito
34.200+usuariosde 6 sectores diferentes
5,64 mill+de mensajesde estado en 2024


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