CrewBrain introduces it's new Smartphone-App


CrewBrain introduces it's new Smartphone-App


Baden-Baden - Around one and a half years after the launch of the native CrewBrain app for Android and iOS smartphones, CrewBrain is today presenting a completely revised and improved version 2.0 of the app. This can now be downloaded and installed via the app stores of the respective platforms and offers many interesting optimizations and new features.

“With the revised version of our smartphone app, we were able to optimize the user interface in many areas and make it clearer,” comments Julia Schöning, responsible for sales at CrewBrain, on the presentation of the revised app. “By using a uniform layout with clearly defined buttons, icons and input fields in all areas of the app and a revised structure of the information, it is easier for users to find the relevant information.”

The new version of the smartphone app also brings many advantages from a technical point of view: “With the revision, we were able to lay the foundation for the future development of our app,” explains Sven Schlotthauer, Managing Director of CrewBrain GmbH. “The clear structure not only affects the user interface, but also the code and therefore not only helps users to operate the app, but also our developers to develop it further. This opens up interesting options in future for adding personalized settings to the app in order to adapt it to the individual wishes of users.”

The app's range of functions has remained almost identical. Nevertheless, there are new features here too, as Eva Pennekamp, responsible for support at CrewBrain, adds: “The new version of our app now also offers the option of making time recording even more convenient with the help of geo-fencing. When an employee enters a location or company site with their smartphone, they are automatically reminded to clock in. And, of course, the same applies to clocking out when they leave the respective location.”


The new app can now be downloaded and installed via the app stores of the respective platforms. For users who have already installed the CrewBrain app, the update will be rolled out gradually over the next five days.

Interested customers can find a detailed presentation of the individual features and benefits of CrewBrain and the CrewBrain app at New customers can also register there for a trial version to test CrewBrain free of charge.

Fonctionnalités pour agences

Moderne, clair et toujours disponible.

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Enregistrement du temps avec un compte Flexitime

Pour les employés permanents, un compte Flexitime peut être configuré dans CrewBrain. L'enregistrement des heures de travail se fait soit par une pointeuse simple intégrée dans l'application Web Smartphone, soit par l'enregistrement manuel des heures de travail dans chaque événement. Les congés et les pauses requises sont automatiquement déduits.

CrewBrain Aperçu des horaires flexibles

En savoir plus sur l'enregistrement du temps


CrewBrain génère automatiquement des relevés mensuels basés sur les heures d’employé, par exemple pour les travailleurs indépendants ou les mini-jobs. La facturation peut s'effectuer selon des taux forfaitaires, des taux journaliers ou un salaire horaire. Au-delà, les factures peuvent être utilisées pour générer des annexes de facturation pour des clients avec des montants différents.

En savoir plus sur la facturation

2,19 Mio+Événementsplanifiés avec succès
29.900+Utilisateursde 6 industries différentes
4,68 Mio+Notifications d'étatenvoyées en 2023


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