Current CrewBrain innovations

New enhancements and optimizations for CrewBrain​

Dear clients​,

after the Prolight + Sound trade show in Frankfurt at the end of April, where we had many interesting discussions with you especially on the topics of risk assessment and employee leasing, we will of course continue as usual with further updates for CrewBrain.

The next update, which will be available from tomorrow as usual, includes a number of smaller adjustments and enhancements that some of you have been wanting for a long time. We would like to introduce you to exactly which ones in the context of this update info.

We wish you continued success with CrewBrain.

Sven Schlotthauer








2,19 mill+velheppnaðir viðburðirskipulagðir
29.900+Notendurí mismunandi atvinnugreinum
4,68 mill+stöðutilkynningarsendar 2023


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