Current CrewBrain innovations

Optimized tenders and other new features

Dear clients,

the Frankfurt based trade fair Prolight + Sound approached faster this year than in previous years. Instead of the usual mid/end of April, the trade fair took place in March this year. While we generally welcome this earlier date, we unfortunately did not manage to present the latest CrewBrain version before the trade fair.

Our software development team was of course also active during the trade fair and worked diligently on the completion of the new version. We are therefore pleased to be able to present another update packed with optimizations and enhancements. As usual, the update will be automatically available to all customers from tomorrow.

We wish you continued success with CrewBrain.

Your CrewBrain team










2,19 mill+velheppnaðir viðburðirskipulagðir
29.900+Notendurí mismunandi atvinnugreinum
4,68 mill+stöðutilkynningarsendar 2023


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